GES Professional Learning Community(PLC) All you need to know.


Concept of PLC

A professional learning community or PLC, is a group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of the students. 

The head of the school (HoS) in consultation with teaching staff and other stakeholders puts a PLC in place. An In-school curriculum Lead is selected to lead the PLC activities. The School improvement Support Officer (SISO) serves as an Officio member.

Guidelines and Expectations

The membership of the PLC(HoS, CL, other staff) in consultation with key stakeholders (SISO, PTA/SMC etc). 
 Agrees on the PLC sessions (or meetings) schedules for the semester. 

 Identifies for the PLC sessions  individual challenges in effective lesson delivery and innovative practices in teaching. 

 Creates common platform for members to share ideas, skills,  knowledge and experience. 

Identifies and invites good and willing facilitators for each session. 

Keeps record of attendance of  members during PLC meetings. 

Sets SMART goals for best practices in the school to meet expected performance outcomes and targets. 

Other guidelines and Expectations

Previews and reflects on school data to  plan instructions across the school  curricular. 

● Considers co-curricular experiences for  learners. 

●Considers innovative ways of  incorporating new and improved  initiatives such as the 4Rs and the core competencies.

NB: The PLC platform was developed primarily  for use by Curriculum Leads, Head Teachers, District, Regional, and Head Office  to facilitate the smooth running of PLC sessions in various schools at  the Kindergarten, Primary, and Junior High  School levels.

By: Yaw Indomie 


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